The BI House design was inspired by the idea of "form follows function" -- The cubical shape that was implemented is a response that is formed from an efficient room. The building is divided into two main masses. The front building serves as the private area and the back building serves as both public and service areas. With a limited land area, we maximize this building to be developed vertically. To make the building doesn't seem 'too gigantic' for narrow land, we also tried to implement a split-level concept, so the vertical space that we use becomes more effective.
The BI House design was inspired by the idea of "form follows function" -- The cubical shape that was implemented is a response that is formed from an efficient room. The building is divided into two main masses. The front building serves as the private area and the back building serves as both public and service areas. With a limited land area, we maximize this building to be developed vertically. To make the building doesn't seem 'too gigantic' for narrow land, we also tried to implement a split-level concept, so the vertical space that we use becomes more effective.
The BI House design was inspired by the idea of "form follows function" -- The cubical shape that was implemented is a response that is formed from an efficient room. The building is divided into two main masses. The front building serves as the private area and the back building serves as both public and service areas. With a limited land area, we maximize this building to be developed vertically. To make the building doesn't seem 'too gigantic' for narrow land, we also tried to implement a split-level concept, so the vertical space that we use becomes more effective.