Business Environment Council 30th Anniversary Media Luncheon

Urgent Call for Climate Change in Hong Kong
• In October, 2021, the government announced Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050,
setting out the vision of “Zero-carbon emissions and outlining the strategies and targets
for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality.
What is Net-zero Economy?
• A net-zero target means a country or company is pledging to reduce carbon emissions as
close to zero as possible, following by using carbon removal or sequestration
technologies to net out the remainder of their emissions
How can Business Sector be Benefited from Net-zero Economy?
• Potentially reducing utility expenses significantly when using energy efficient machineries
• Creating new opportunities for businesses to benefit from incentives, such as subsidies
• Enhancing brand Image alongside building customer loyalty, hence driving revenue.
Hong Kong’s Progress
• 2014: The peak level of carbon emissions in Hong Kong reached 6.2 tonnes per capita.
• 2017: Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2030+
• 2020: The level of carbon emissions was 30% less compared to 2014, a big improvement.
• 2021: Hong Kong Government launched Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050.
Net-Zero Journey: 6 Major Challenges
• Extra cost for implementing decarbonisation measures, including the cost of research and
developments, investments in technologies and so on
• Limited land and space for developing decarbonisation infrastructure
• Many decarbonisation technologies are still at the development stage and are not ready
for wide application in Hong Kong in the near future
• Urgent demand for talent and technicians with the relevant knowledge and skills to meet
the manpower needs of different industries during the green transformation
• The covid-19 pandemic also delayed net-zero advancement
• Achieving carbon neutrality before 2050 requires the participation and support of all
sectors in Hong Kong
BEC’s Role on Net-Zero Transition
• Driving Business Ambition into Action
In BEC, Climate Change, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Living Environment were
identified as the three Environmental Focus Areas. A set of inter-related strategic priorities
has been developed.
• BEC Environmental Focus Areas BEC
Established Advisory Groups under these three environmental focus areas to advise the
Board of Directors, Executive Committee and other BEC members on Hong Kong's major
environmental issues. Advisory Groups also support BEC to develop thought leadership
and influence public policy. With their support, BEC will play our role to drive corporates
to convert pledges into actions, and to accelerate the transition to a net-zero future.
• BEC Low Carbon Charter
Launched Low Carbon Charter in 2019, Hong Kong’s first-of-its-kind pledge specifically
responding to the goals of Paris Agreement, plays the role of active advocator and
motivator in facilitating Hong Kong and the business community to achieve the 2050
carbon neutrality goal.
• Thought Leadership
Collaborates closely with Government, the business sector, tertiary and research
institutions, civil society groups and the wider community on evidence-based research on
public policy and sustainable business practices
30 Years of Environmental Excellence and Beyond
• To celebrate our 30 years of promoting environmental excellence and corporate
sustainability in Hong Kong, we have put together a series of initiatives, with EnviroSeries
Conference which was held successfully on 17 June 2022 as one of the key events. The
next EnviroSeries Conference will be held in November – please stay tuned.
• BEC will continue to drive business ambition and commitment into real action, and to
accelerate business transformation for a net-zero Hong Kong.