Invitation to DMCC’s Flagship International Roadshow “Made For Trade Live” in Hong Kong

Time: 10:00- 12:30
Event Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre - Hall N201
On behalf of HKMEIF - Hong Kong Middle East Innovation Foundation and DMCC - the Government of Dubai Authority on commodities trade and enterprise - I cordially invite you to our forthcoming international roadshow "Made For Trade Live" in Hong Kong, to be held on 21 September 2023.
本團隊謹代表 HKMEIF(香港中東創新基金會)和 DMCC(迪拜政府商品貿易和企業管理局)誠摯邀請您參加我們即將於 9 月 21 日在香港舉行的國際路演2023 年的 “Made For Trade Live” 。
The roadshow, with the theme "Embracing New Business Business Opportunities : Navigating Hong Kong - Dubai Trade Connections," will be instrumental in promoting of Dubai as a prominent global trade hub, especially for commodities. Additionally, it will facilitate the promotion of DMCC, the world's fastest-growing Free Zone. DMCC enables trade in various goods such as diamonds, gold, precious metals, tea, food, and industrial materials, which are of great interest to both the UAE and China.
路演的主題是“ 擁抱新商機:暢遊香港與迪拜的貿易聯繫”,將有助於推動迪拜成為全球重要的貿易中心,尤其是商品的貿易中心。此外,它將促進世界上發展最快的自由區 DMCC 的推廣。 DMCC支持鑽石、黃金、貴金屬、茶葉、食品和工業材料等多種商品的貿易,這些商品都是阿聯酋和中國市場非常感興趣的。
Dubai, known for its innovation, development, and trade, has a business-friendly policy, strategic location, and fantastic living and business opportunities. The DMCC, situated in the heart of Dubai, is a government department dedicated to promoting the city's commodity trade. It is an award-winning free trade zone with over 23,000 international member companies. DMCC provides a range of business services for companies looking to venture into Dubai. From assisting with overseas expansion to compliance operations and building business contacts, DMCC will support your international journey.
迪拜以其創新、發展和貿易而聞名,擁有友好的商業政策、戰略位置以及絕佳的生活和商業機會。 DMCC位於迪拜市中心,是一個致力於促進該市商品貿易的政府部門。它是一個屢獲殊榮的自由貿易區,擁有超過 23,000 家國際會員公司。 DMCC 為希望進軍迪拜的公司提供一系列商業服務。從協助海外擴張到合規運營和建立業務聯繫,DMCC 將為您的國際之旅提供支持。
WHY ATTEND? 為什麼參加?
• Find out the key benefits of setting up a business in Dubai
• Explore the advantages of choosing DMCC as your business hub
探索選擇 DMCC 作為您的業務中心的優勢
• Discover Chinese businesses setup in DMCC
探索在 DMCC 設立的中國企業
• Get practical advice from DMCC & HKMEIF experts and network
從 DMCC 和 HKMEIF 專家和網絡獲取實用建議
• Learn about DMCC business community with 23,000+ members
了解擁有 23,000 多名成員的 DMCC 商業社區
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