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ARCHIFYNOW > PROJECT > CHT Designed St Marys Primary School

CHT Designed St Mary's Primary School

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St Mary's Primary School

The project includes a multi-purpose hall, a classroom, a staff room, a tennis club room, and a library / ICT facility which doubles as public space after hours. The architectural concept uses the idea of a floating white thought cloud in response to ideas and imagination being an essential part of learning. The white is a translucent polycarbonate and provides a controlled light to the learning spaces while maintaining good thermal qualities.

CHT Designed St Mary's Primary School

The cloud hovers on a masonry base in which an ancient painting titled ‘Virgin and Child with Balaam the Prophet’ from the late 2nd century, located in the catacomb of Priscilla in Rome, is appropriated in the brick graphic to announce the multi-purpose hall entry. A bold line of text in brick repeats "Mary and Mother of God" in different languages and scripts.

CHT Designed St Mary's Primary School

CHT Designed St Mary's Primary School

CHT Architects
Type: Schools
Design Style: Modern 
Location: Hampton, VIC 
Status: Completed
Year: 2012

Information sourced from CHT Architects 

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Madeleine Thompson
Archify Content Development Coordinator
Coordinates the content curation and publishing on Archify and Archify Now, as well as the creation, research and development of online CPD presentations, educational materials, and Archhify Now material.
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