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Wall Cladding, Panelling & Sheets

What To Know About Stone Wall Cladding

Wall Cladding is the outer layering of a wall material. In this article, we will discuss stone wall cladding and its uses. Usually stone wall cladding is found in homes with an old fashion or rustic style, however, natural stones come in a lot of varieties, and they can look luxurious and beautiful in different architecture as long as we know how to combine the components and apply them in the correct way.

Stone Types

There are different solutions to covering interior walls, ranging from simple painting or wallpaper to a wood or ceramic coating. But for wall cladding, it’s possible to mix and match using natural stone. There are a wide range of stone cladding material that is available. Stones such as slate, quartzite, travertine, porphyry, or onyx can all be used on the interior. Each type of stone has different colours, veins, and lustre. The stones of volcanic origin, such as porphyry, are opaque and marbles brilliantly. In addition to the types of stone, you can choose whether to lay a smooth stone or a chipped stone.


The smooth finishes of stone surfaces are usually suitable for representative environments. For example, polished stones are used in the hallway of bank building because they give the interior an institutional aspect, while rough finishes tend to give a rustic character to the environment. Because stone still tends to make the atmosphere of a home very heavy, it is good to stick to only one or two walls when designing interior cladding to draw focus on a particular corner or on a single back wall.

Current Trends

In modern and minimal environments, slate is currently very popular for stone wall cladding. Slate is a rock classified as soft or semi-hard. It is a compact stone used since ancient times as a roofing material and contains beautiful shades ranging from grey to red. Modular blocks, composed of thin rectangular strips ranging in size, are among the various slate wall cladding products that currently exist on the market.

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