We created a centre of excellence for cardiothoracic services that utilised salutogenic principals to provide life-saving cardiothoracic care for people within the Geelong region.
We started by identifying a location within the landlocked site that would allow for the most efficiencies in care once complete, as well as during the decanting and relocation process. Through this process, we were able to transform the former ICU building into an upgraded and specialised cardiac ward.
Central to the new 12 bed ICU design is a central flight deck space with a lofty cathedral ceiling. High-level glazing brings an abundance of natural light into the ward throughout the day and assists in the minimisation of intensive care psychosis. In addition, every bed receives access to sunlight and views outside to aid in patient comfort, connection and recovery.
The flight deck’s circular layout provides exceptional visibility of each patient and reduces distances of travel for staff, enabling care givers to provide the best possible support to critically ill patients.
We created a centre of excellence for cardiothoracic services that utilised salutogenic principals to provide life-saving cardiothoracic care for people within the Geelong region.
We started by identifying a location within the landlocked site that would allow for the most efficiencies in care once complete, as well as during the decanting and relocation process. Through this process, we were able to transform the former ICU building into an upgraded and specialised cardiac ward.
Central to the new 12 bed ICU design is a central flight deck space with a lofty cathedral ceiling. High-level glazing brings an abundance of natural light into the ward throughout the day and assists in the minimisation of intensive care psychosis. In addition, every bed receives access to sunlight and views outside to aid in patient comfort, connection and recovery.
The flight deck’s circular layout provides exceptional visibility of each patient and reduces distances of travel for staff, enabling care givers to provide the best possible support to critically ill patients.
We created a centre of excellence for cardiothoracic services that utilised salutogenic principals to provide life-saving cardiothoracic care for people within the Geelong region.
We started by identifying a location within the landlocked site that would allow for the most efficiencies in care once complete, as well as during the decanting and relocation process. Through this process, we were able to transform the former ICU building into an upgraded and specialised cardiac ward.
Central to the new 12 bed ICU design is a central flight deck space with a lofty cathedral ceiling. High-level glazing brings an abundance of natural light into the ward throughout the day and assists in the minimisation of intensive care psychosis. In addition, every bed receives access to sunlight and views outside to aid in patient comfort, connection and recovery.
The flight deck’s circular layout provides exceptional visibility of each patient and reduces distances of travel for staff, enabling care givers to provide the best possible support to critically ill patients.